The first day of quarantine was the day we lost control. Everything was uncertain and we were in unknown territory. Nobody knew what the future held. But even though this time was unpredictable, I think many of us learned lessons through all of this. Lessons of patience with siblings, joy through trials, peace in the fear that is spreading all around us, and most importantly, allowing God to be the one in control.
I’ve learned it the hard way. When you try to take matters into your own hands, everything falls apart and you’re left with broken pieces of what used to be. You finally look to God, your last resort, and cry out, saying, “What have I done? I made a mess, and I need You to rewrite it into a masterpiece. Something that will make me grow and learn from my mistakes.”
But why is God our last option, when He should be the first one we run to? Why do we exhaust all other possibilities until we eventually go to the One who knows how to handle our situation the best? He patiently waits for us to run to Him; He always has His arms wide open.
2 Corinthians reads, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
In our weakness, God is our strength. When we can’t stand up on our own, when we can’t get out of bed, when we can’t take the next breath, God helps us. Christ’s power is in us, and that’s what gives us our strength to get through each day. But in order for God to be in charge of our lives and be that energy we need, we have to give complete control to Him. By surrendering our lives over to God, we are offering our life entirely to Him and allowing Him to take the wheel.

This quote is real. We need to let go of everything; our anxiety, problems, difficult situations, and let God take care of it all. We are people who like to do things our own way, but to get the best result, we should hand things over to God. He is the one who created us and knows what’s best for us. Wouldn’t it be so much easier to just trust Him?
Don’t try to do things on your own. I guarantee you, God will do things 100% better, even if it wasn’t the way you wanted it to be. He knows exactly what school you should go to, what person you should marry, and how many kids you’re going to have! Leave it all in His hands. God said that all it takes is a mustard seed-size of faith.
Faith is having the courage to let God have control
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! I know they can be short, but I’m working on some more for you all! Thank you so much for stopping in-stay safe!
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